Sunday 15 February 2009

...having an early Valentines day, and having my parents visit


Well I guess I will start at the end of the last post...and start with Saturday 7th Feb...Kieron and Sarah's early valentines day! As we would not be with each other on the real day we decided to have Valentines a week early, and it was really nice! We didn’t do an awful lot, just really enjoyed the day together and went for a very nice meal out at night.

Kinda makes up for spending the real valentines day with my parents...! Actually, it was really nice too! Mum and Dad arrived on Friday night in Copenhagen, so I went to meet them at the airport, and we stayed in a hotel in Copenhagen centre. Saturday we then spent looking around Copenhagen...I can say it is a really beautiful place! It was cold but sunny, and walking around wasn't too bad. There is loads to see and lots of museums (we didn’t do any on this trip) so I am pretty sure I will go back. I can definitely recommend it! is expensive!

So my parents are still with me today, and we spent this morning walking around Helsingborg. Its quite nice to show people around, as it makes me realise how much I do actually know about it already!

There is also a 'love and light' festival taking place in Helsingborg this week, which is basically lots of different light shows on the buildings and stuff around town, all with a 'love' theme. We didn't get a lot of time to look around, as we were tired and hungry, but I am sure I will have more to report on this later in the week :)

Wednesday this week we had an evening out with work. We went bowling, and then for drinks after that. Was a very fun evening, even if my team didn’t win...or actually even do that well! I scored 118 and then 158, so I was very happy with that :)
It also makes it easier to get to know people through a social outlet...and I think I am doing quite well!

I have also had another 3 hours of Swedish lessons, and apparently I am progressing quite well! I am still mixing up my German and Swedish, but I think it is getting less, and I am definitely able to hear more when people are talking now!

What I have learnt this week:
Copenhagen is very nice!
It is definitely worth learning the local language as soon as possible.
It is really nice to get visitors from home :)

PS, Pictures are good for remembering things you try and imagine when you don’t have it with you.

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