Thursday 13 November 2008

... trying to say goodbye

Well I now have 3 full days left in the that is scary! I haven't even decided what exactly I am taking yet. How is that for organised??
I blame all my friends though, as they have taken up my 'free' time making me say goodbye and making sure I have a few rude! But its been good fun.

My friends Ali and Paddy have also been trying to make me promise that I would sign up for W.O.W. when I get to Sweden..and after playing it in a somewhat hazy state for a good few hours this weekend I relented and said I would...its actually quite good once you get started!

I also have to give a mention to the very good night I had in London last night...thanks Chris and Roland for intorducing me to Lowlands and the Porterhouse, both of which serve a very good selection of ales and beers that you wont find many other places...I actually had my first Strawberry beer! Not so much beer...but very sweet and very very nice. 1 pint was enough though...

So this weekend is also going to be very full...tonight I have a Poker night with the guys from my old work, Friday I am going for leaving drinks with people from the Ashton branch of my new work, Saturday I am round at a friend from Uni's new house for a goodbye night with my uni friends and Sunday I am having some sort of family thing. So all in all not a lot of time to organise myself!

Also this week I have been looking at my personality profile, and other clever things that will hopefully enable me to be a better manger/co-ordinator and also just give me confirmation of what I am good at, and what I need to watch out for.... turns out I am an ENFP ... if you are interested (its quite good!) you can do your own here :
And once you have done it, this site gives a more in depth description :

Its wierdly accurate...but I guess thats the point!

So what have I learnt this week:
I like strawberry beer
I don't plan enough in advance
I have lots of very good friends that I am gonna miss (so you better all come visit!)

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