Sunday 26 April 2009

... enjoying the beach (ish) in Helsingborg


Ok, so its not a week since my last blog, but it is Sunday, so it seems right.
Its been a pretty busy few days since my last blog!
Thursday I had a friend from the UK staying, and he cooked me a really good curry! Steve and Keri turned up about 8, and we had a good night in :)
Friday we went for an 'afterwork' down at the circle bar, and stayed a few hours before going for dinner and then having a DVD night....watched 'How to lose friends and alienate people'. Was actually really good...I was expecting it to be really silly (most Simon Pegg films are) but it seemed a bit different then the others, in a good way. Not that I didn't enjoy the other ones...but you know what I mean.

Yesterday was a REALLY sunny day again in Helsingborg, so Yvonne and Ken (my Canadian friends) Keri and I decided to have a picnic style afternoon down at the sea front. It was so nice! Helsingborg is a little windy a lot of the time, so we found a nice place behind a little wall and had ciabattas with pate and cheese, and lots of fruit...and of course wine. Then ice cream for first ice cream in Sweden! ('Glass' in Swedish...not to be confused with 'Glas' which is a drinking vessel...)
It then got even more windy...and we considered leaving...until Ken found a really calm spot behind a big wall that had had the sun on it all day, so was lovely and warm! We ended up staying down there for about 5 hours...was so nice! Definitely going to take any of my visitors there if its sunny!

This week I also booked all my flights to come home for my birthday, and also to go to Tenerife at the end of May. Also had a very nice surprise from Sarah...she is going to come back home (to Sweden) after I have been home (UK) for my we are going to get 3 weeks together! That’s going to be a really nice present as we dont normally get to spend that much time together :)

I had another Swedish lesson this week too, and surprised myself with how much I know! Its not like I can have a proper conversation yet...but I can form sentences if the other person is going to be very patient with me! But it is really coming along.

So what I have learnt this week:
Helsingborg has a beach, and is VERY nice in the sun (behind a wind break)
I am amazingly happy at the prospect of spending a long time with Sarah
I am getting better at Swedish...and pretty quickly I think!

PS. Planning for the future can be really fun, and quite scary all at the same time. Sometimes you just need someone to plan with and for that makes it all seem ok.

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